Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Mission Statement

To help small businesses take advantage of technology, in order to allow them to continue to grow and prosper in tomorrow's market.

This is the mission statement I came up with our company, for several reasons. Firstly, it informs the reader about what exactly we do (at least to some vague degree), which involves technology and integrating it into their businesses. Although we are primarily focusing on daycares right now, I left it as small businesses for two reasons: 1) In case we expand to other markets down the road, we don't have to change our mission statement 2) Someone visiting our website might see our services and like what they see, and might want something similar but not for a daycare. After reading our mission statement, they can easily infer that we are not restricting ourselves to only the childcare market. This might encourage them to contact us and see if there is a fit for us to build something useful for them.

In the second half of my mission statement, I talk about the purpose of why we do what we do, which is to really nourish the growth of these small businesses that might not be very technologically advanced. A small business owner reading this might begin to understand why other business owners are paying for our services, and maybe why they should too. Lastly, I specifically used "tomorrow's market" because I want our potential and current customer's to know that we know technology very well, and how to take advantage of new and emerging technology to put your business ahead of the market. As we all know technology is forever changing, and staying ahead of those changes in a competitive market could be the difference between your business thriving with profit and going completely under.

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